Reimo Rehkli
I specialize in transforming teams to work in a more structured and efficient manner through my expert workshop facilitation. My approach is rooted in empathy, backed by a strong background in working with diverse teams, and driven by my enthusiasm for structured meetings. A testament to my effective problem-solving skills is a recent experience with a client. They initially believed they had identified their issue, but through one of my facilitated exercises, we discovered the true problem that needed to be addressed. This not only saved time but also ensured that we were working towards a solution that would deliver the desired results. Let’s explore how we can collaborate to enhance your team’s performance.
My Services
Varied training courses: Using Canva, creating web texts, conducting workshops, and more.
Design Sprints
I facilitate design sprints, where products and services are created and refined.
I help teams make better decisions, prioritize tasks effectively, work together in harmony, and deliver solutions that work.
Leveraging my extensive experience, I provide guidance on marketing, communication, and facilitating more effective workshops. Additionally, I offer expertise in various smart tools, including Canva, Notion, and more.
Kaasasime Reimo meeskonnakoolitusele, et omandada kasulikke nippe ja trikke efektiivsete koosolekute läbiviimisks. Kuigi tihti võib tunduda, et oleme kõik niigi juba targad ja võib olla lihtsalt ei rakenda neid tarkusi igapäevaselt, siis tegelikkuses on vaja ka meeldetuletamist ja kordamist. Saime ka päris palju uusi kasulikke võtteid, mida kindlasti edaspidi kasutusele võtame. Koolitaja oli oma mõnusalt leebel moel väga asjalik. Ja muidugi oli väga kasulik meie enda koosoleku vaatlemine, kus saime vahetult tagasisidet ja soovitusi. Mulle kõige enam meeldis koolituse juures see, et ta ütles, et kõiki koolitusel tutvustatud tehnikaid ei pea korraga töösse võtma, need tuleb juurutada vaid järk-järgult. Sellega me nüüd vaikselt ka tegeleme ja oleme seeläbi edaspidi oma koosolekutel palju efektiivsemad!
Annely Allik
I worked very closely with Reimo in the autumn of 2021, when the University of Tartu was launching a new website. Our task was to conceptualize the website's content, describe and test developments, train and manage the work of web editors. Reimo is a professional, dedicated, attentive, and thorough individual. He doesn't give up easily, but instead, he seeks solutions. If partners don't offer them, he comes up with his own. Even if the solutions exceed his perceived competence boundaries at first glance. Reimo is trustworthy. During the time we worked together, I felt truly supported, because when I had concerns about other projects, he always found a way to think along and offer solutions. Despite the insane workload, he always found a moment to ask how I was doing. Reimo can be bluntly sharp, but my experience shows that he has always been right so far. Reimo is probably one of the best partners I have ever worked with.
Kaja Karo
I met Reimo when he took up the role of head web administrator at the University of Tartu during the rebranding and moving of all content to a new platform. He was in charge of finding a middle ground that would align with the broad visions of the university and meet the practical daily needs of all the subunits – a task in which it’s nearly impossible to make everyone happy. Nevertheless, Reimo always gave the people in various teams (incl. me) a chance to express their thoughts, gathered the information in a transparent way, and we could actually see our suggestions implemented. He even made time to offer the team leads in subunits 1:1 consultations that I know many gladly used. He was transparent in managing people’s expectations and put his foot down when decisions simply had to be made. It’s a project that will never end, but engaging all subteams in the early stages built a solid foundation for a network to support the future progress, and I hope Reimo and his team will successfully keep it in action just as they did in the beginning.
Kätlin Hirs
I had the pleasure of working with Reimo when the research department of the Estonian National Museum enlisted his expertise to facilitate a design sprint aimed at developing a prototype for our website. The site has to cater to a diverse array of functions, services, and roles that the museum fulfils as a cultural, social, and economic institution, foregrounding particularly the academic research results and impacts. One of the unique challenges we faced was the varied audience we serve, ranging from the general public to scholars in specific academic fields. Unlike research teams in universities, whose primary focus is often academics and students, we needed a solution that could effectively resonate with both general audiences and fellow scholars. Reimo crafted a two-part workshop that fostered an open and participatory problem-solving process. Instead of just drafting potential user needs, design sprints are designed to collaborate in designing the solution themselves by merging a variety of perspectives. In his role as facilitator, Reimo skillfully navigated discussions, ensuring that ideas flowed freely while guiding us toward productive outcomes. His ability to facilitate discussions around alternative pathways and streamline ideas was valuable. The result? A prototype, which is ready for the next stage: user testing and finally, integration into our broader institutional web, standing as a distinct and visible unit. I can recommend Reimo to any team seeking a facilitator who can guide the design process and empower teams to collectively craft innovative solutions.
Pille Runnel
How many blondes does it take to market Estonian science internationally? Exactly two. Me and Reimo. Reimo and I brought the Research in Estonia brand activities to life at ETAgi. The goal of these activities was to showcase Estonian scientific achievements to the world. We developed strategies and plans, held meetings and brainstorming sessions, trumpeted Estonian science in the media and on social media, wrote about Estonian science, filmed and visualized it, and carried Estonian science on our backs around the world. All the years working with Reimo, I always knew that Reimo was just what I needed - my front line, my rear guard, my sideman, and my echo. The best part of our duo! Always. #interoperability
Liis Livin
Estonian Research Council
An ambitious team player who sees every project through to completion. Reimo is undeterred by complex negotiations, differing stakeholder desires and visions, or other obstacles beyond his control. Reimo is a reliable project manager and team player who always thinks outside the box and is an excellent communicator. His extensive experience in both communications and marketing makes him a strong asset as a project manager. I highly recommend working with Reimo if you need assistance with communications, marketing, or website-related matters.
Elina Klesman
SEO Studio